Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Friday!!


It's finally Friday. Nat sent me this picture today. It made me smile to see my cute kid being sweet and cuddling, especially after a week like this one where he has a new game of throwing toys down the air vents in our house (4 toy cars and 2 balls). Don't worry though they were all recovered except for one. oops.

ANYWHO, anyone excited for the Oscars this Sunday? I love seeing all the beautiful people. It's F.U.N.

Ps. I haven't done my workout for the past 2 days. Instead I dragged my sister to the movies and got a giant bag of popcorn and a large cherry ICEE. Yeah I'm awesome.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I heart Emerson Made......

Yes if I had extra money lying around I would be buying clothes left & right from Emerson Made, including these jeans. I Heart them. (too bad it's ridiculously expensive. sigh).

I'm loving this new wide leg trend that's coming back. I love the idea of tucking a cute blouse or shirt into these ADORABLE jeans with a fun belt. yes please.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I hate thomas the train....

Yes my son LOVES watching thomas the train. I hate it. I'm blogging just so I don't have to sit
and watch it ONE MORE TIME. (eye twitch).

Bryant also loves ELMO. cute.

I have a funny child. Isn't is crazy how you can love someone so much but be so frustrated at the same time?

Bryant has been doing this weird thing lately. Whenever we have people over or I take him with me visiting teaching and someone laughs, he totally freaks out. I mean he starts screaming "BYE BYES BYE BYES" at the top of his lungs. It's crazy. At first I thought it was kind of funny, but now it's starting to get a little embarrassing (especially when no one wants to make eye contact with your child in case he starts the screaming again.). What the? What's a mom to do? It's very odd.

In other news. The binkie (binky?) battle is over. Elmo has been replaced as Bryant's new obsession. It's rather cute I must say. (notice the adorable picture above).

Ps. Remember all of those beautiful sugar cookies? they need to go. I've had at least 2 for breakfast every morning since I made them. Curse that delicious pink sprinkled frosting.

ONE MORE THING. If you are still reading this :) I think I am planning a little weekend away girl trip this summer with my sister and mom. Where is your favorite U.S. city to visit? I would probably have to stay more west coast because of money. Is Seattle fun or overrated?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy valentines day!!!

Yes we went a little sugar cookie crazy, which probably isn't going to help with my whole "tone my fat backside" plan this month, but what's valentines day without a little (or a lot) of sugar right?

Thanks Nat and Brittney for spending HOURS decorating cookies with me. It was fun :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before pics....

So you may be wondering why I'm posting such bizarre pictures of myself.

Here's the deal. I feel really out of shape, to the point where I can't buy new jeans (thus why my old ones have holes EVERYWHERE) AND it's nearing spring time with the dreaded swimming suit and shorts weather (shudder). So I decided to start the "30 day shred". I thought and thought and thought about what would motivate me to actually accomplish such a horrible task..........and the answer was HUMILIATION (because obviously humiliation=motivation for me in some weird sick way).

I figured if I posted "before pics" then I would be accountable to make the after pics look AWESOME OR just see if the "30 day shred" ACTUALLY works.

So here we go..I dug out an old swimming suit from my honeymoon from 3 1/2 yrs ago and decided to post the first 2 pics that we took no matter how ugly they were (with no flexing of the abs or tanning just to get a better idea of what areas I need to work on).

ok here they are

Big Sigh


Hello gut

Hello love handles

Ok so 30 days from now expect some awesome "after shots".........I hope. I Hope. I HOPE.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bryant turns 2!!

Ahhhh the memories........

Remember when I was that big fat pregnant lady?

Or when Bryant was a newborn (shudder)?

I can't believe my little boy is 2 yrs old!!!

He is so smart, funny, tender-hearted, and loving. I'm so lucky to be his mom.

We celebrated (early) at our house with family and some delicious homemade pizza and homemade cake (yeah we're cool, or Travis is cool since he did most of the cooking. ha).

I couldn't get any good pictures since Bryant doesn't stand still for a second (and I have a slow camera). But I do have a video of him blowing out his candles (when I'm not too lazy to upload it....Soon I promise).


Ps. I'm taking away Bryant's binkie soon. Any advice? He is so attached to it......I'm scared. ha