Monday, March 23, 2009


I think I like this hair cut but with more layers in the front........we'll see. ;)

So it's that time of year again. I look through my closet and wonder where all of the cute clothes that I bought last year went. I swear I had some in there somewhere..........

yes. I'm superficial sometimes.

yes I feel the need to go tanning before I get my hair cut so I can fulfill my "cute hair potential" (I may even need a new outfit. Travis will probably roll his eyes when he reads this. ha).

So random thought. Was the Twilight movie really as bad as I remember it being? or is it worth seeing again? mmmmmmm.

Oh & I may have found another vampire series that fulfills my need for goey romance stories. I'll let you know if it is worth reading. ha.

Ps. Sorry mom. I can't find what I need to download my pics from my camera. pics are coming I swear......


nat said...

i've been researching hair styles. ha. i might go stalk lunatic fringe tomorrow. yes!!! too bad my skin looks like i'm fifteen at the moment. awesome.

Katie Jo said...

ummmm, yes, the twilight movie is in fact worse than you remembered. I am giving you my word. I didn't even make it 40 minutes into it. Awful, awful, awful. Don't waste your time.

Sandra said...

Oh how I miss SEEING that little monkey!

Marce said...

i want to see your hair! come over! or post a pic. whichever's easiest :) xoox

Anonymous said...

Did you get your hair cut yet??? I can't wait to see it! You'll have to post pictures - along with pictures of that sweet baby! I miss him!!!