(Nat, remember that one time when we went to New York and it was fun? yeah me too)
Hi peoples.
So to my family:
Pictures of Bryant's birthday are coming soon!!!! I can't seem to find the cable that goes from my dad's kick-ass camera to my computer................but I will conquer.
Funny Story:
I was in walmart the other day (don't ask me why. I hate the place). As usual I was drawn to the book section of the store (any store for that matter) and while randomly walking through the children's books I spotted a girl a row over with a high school musical t-shirt, bushy brown hair, bushy eyebrows to match, braces, and an unfortunate shrilly voice. I stared in shock as she began to cry (very loudly) to her mom that she wanted a poster of a vampire from twilight. Her mom told her that she already had an unhealthy amount of twilight things and finally said No. The girl started sobbing & lovingly caressing the poster and whispered "goodbye my love" with a tear running down her cheek. She looked 15. I was shocked. My mouth was hanging open. Then I started to grin, and then laugh softly to myself. Then quickly walked away before the girl spotted me. Right place at the right time my friends. It was AMAZING.
My sister Nat and I are going to SAN FRANCISCO the first weekend of March to see my amazing and oh so fun friend Marci!!!! I am beyond excited. I plan on spending the last of my christmas money on clothes. Eating large amounts of delicious food. Seeing the beautiful city, and of course sleeping in past 8 am. Bryant is staying at home with his Dad. YES. HAHA.