Thursday, July 10, 2008

Take it like a man...

I found the following story online. I found myself agreeing with the story right up until the last line. Then I got to thinking...

"A man took his pregnant wife to the hospital to give birth. The doctor told them that they'd developed a new machine and asked if the couple would like to try it out. The machine could take some of the pain of childbirth from the mother and give it to the father to ease the mother's burden.Well, they thought that was a good idea, and decided to give it a try. The doctor initially set the machine on 10 percent, telling the man that even 10 percent was probably more pain than he'd ever experienced. But the husband was surprised at how little pain he was feeling, and asked the doctor to raise the level.The doctor increased it to 20 percent, and when the man still felt fine, he raised it to 50 and finally 100 percent.After it was all over, the man stood up, and stretched a little. Both he and his wife felt fine, and they shortly left the hospital to take the baby home.It was then that they found the mailman dead on their doorstep."

HA! Too funny! Just kidding, really, if there's anything I've learned from the first weeks of Bec's pregnancy, it's that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (but yet I wished it on my wife...what's that tell you?)! Seriously, I don't know how she puts up with the constant sickness. I try to be "supportive" and all that good husband stuff, but find it hard to do sometimes. For example, the other night she was up till 7 in the morning...doing her pregnant thing over the toilet. Yeah, I was feeling really supportive and hanging in there with her. Then 4 in the morning hit and I was like, "Nahh...she doesn't really want me in there holding her hair anyways!" Haha...So, it's been a ride for sure...hopefully second trimester is better, because I'm tired of her spending more time with the bed and bathroom than she does with me!

So, Bec, why don't you take it like a man? Haha... Just kidding...

(Do all the pregnant women out there now hate me?)


the speers said...

hey trav! saw your bloggy link on no i didn't stalk you! :D congrats for the new baby!!! how fun!! i'm so sorry that your wife is so sick!! that totally sucks!! i feel so bad...there's nothing worse! and tell your wife--about her first apt--it only gets worse! :D it is SO awkward to be examined with your spouse in the matter what! i totally feel her pain! blogs rock, way to jump on the band-wagon!:D lata...

Andrea said...

It was hard for Trevor to understand too. Most of my sickness has dimished her end will come SOON. Becca....saltines did nothing for me. I lived off Walmart brand chicken noodle soup (and ONLY that brand), speramint lifesavers and pretzels. Pretzels really helped. Be sure you are eating every hour sOMETHING. I still throw up if I go without eating for an hour. And also, I got even more sick because I barfed so much I got dehydrated. (which is really bad). I couldn't keep water down for some reason, but was able to keep Gatorade down. Do whatever it takes and don't worry too much about nutrition etc....that's why you have prenatal vits and increased appetite the rest of the pregnancy.
Also, ask your doc about pills for nausea. My doc had me take 1/2 a Unisom with 50mg B6. It helped, but made me a ZOMBIE. You can also try more "herbal" methods. I went to health food store and got some crystallized ginger. Try everything becase u never know what will work.

Andrea said...

I spelled a lot of words wrong in that last post. haha hopefully u can decipher.

Stoddard Family said...

Congrats on the pregnancy. That's great! I hope your wife has a great second and third trimester and won't be sick the whole time. I am currently pregnant with our second and can personally say it does get better. Check out our family blog at Hope everything is going well for you two.

Jenna said...

Yes we all hate you now Travis!! JK..that is too bad she is so sick. Maybe the next one won't be as bad. I can't imagine being sick day in and day out. I was only sick for a day and a half and felt I couldn't take it much longer!!! I'm sure she has tried everything in the book too to keep the sickness from coming on but it is different for each person. Keep hanging in there Becca and remind Travis he did this to you!! hahaha just kidding. Keep being supportive Travis and she'll soon forget the pain after the baby comes.

Tim and Jennifer said...

Oh Becca! I feel for you! I threw up during my entire pregnancy. Do you throw up after taking your prenatals? Those did it for me, so then I had to get this prescription expensive junk that were gross! I hope it gets better for you. I learned to carry a grocery bag in my purse because i never knew when it would hit. I also was eating all the time...if I didn't I felt even worse. The good news is you'll lose the weight afterward!!

Marce said...

puking sucks. i am so sorry, bec. and travis, you are a very sweet man to hold up your wife's hair :) i'll be thinking about you during my 1:00 am 3:00 am, and 5:00 am feedings, becca...and counting my blessings that i'm with ellie and not the toilet.