Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's a girl?

Well, that's not actually confirmed medically, but Travis developed a little gender test of his own today. I think he is just a little impatient to find out if the "it" is a boy or girl, since we are too cheap to get the early 'unofficial' ultrasound at the Provo Mall ("we are too cheap" = "he is too cheap"). He leaned over and yelled into my stomach, and I quote, "Do you have a penis or a vagina? If you have a penis kick once." Ummmm Yeah.


Jenna said...

Never heard of finding out that way.....very clever...I guess we'll find out sooner or later if his theory really works. Good luck with that.

Marce said...

i literally laughed out loud and made mike come and read this post. you guys are hilarious. i really wanted to come knock on your door and tell you in person, but it's 10:28 pm...and i remember when i was pregnant i was asleep by 9:00 pm. sigh. can't wait to actually see you guys!

Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

chances are they wouldn't see anything before 20 weeks anyway. so don't' worry about how cheap Travis is. :) Also, that picture is AWESOME.