Monday, September 29, 2008


So I need advice on how to pick out a carseat/travel system. I walk around babies r us, target, walmart and have no idea how to pick something. Everything seems ridiculously expensive but then I feel like I'm going to be a horrible unsafe mother if I don't spend $300 on a car seat. Crazy I know. Please awesome moms out there tell me how it is done.

Ps. Sorry to those who tire of my pregnancy/baby rants. :)


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...
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Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

I bought Ava's at a yard sale for $5! hahaha however, it died shortly after her 1st birthday. Also, don't buy anything until AFTER the shower. Register for stuff like that-not blankets. Blankets are like $15...where as car seats are $150. So, you can totally handle the small stuff as a new mom and dad. usually has reviews under all of their systems as well. EDDIE BAUER SUCKS and is super heavy. I love Graco.
Also check out this site REVIEWS

Anonymous said...

I have not been a mom yet, but can't say I haven't peaked in the baby ile once or twice. I would say look on craigslist or There are so many people selling those things and ones that have been hardly used too!

Jenna said...

I went off of consumer reports..well actually it was my father-in-law so I will admit we have a really expensive car seat but it was the travel system so it came with the stroller too. Our brand is Chicco and it was ranked number one on consumer reports but I'm sure anything works. I would reccomend getting the baby carseat and not the converter one that grows and you can use when the baby gets older. I know it means you have to buy another car seat when they grow up but it is so nice to have the baby car seat cause they always fall asleep and that way you can just bring that where ever you go and not have to worry about waking him up.

Andrea said...

Here's the advice I got. Of course, most of your more expensive gifts will prob come from baby showers. So you might not have to worry about that stuff....but seriously, if stick with a popular brand, you aren't going to go too wrong. And FYI, once u spend money on a stroller, you'll need a double. Check KSL for baby stuff too. Some people have to omuch money for their own good and are selling brand new stuff.

Tim and Jennifer said...

We picked the Peg Perego Pliko and were given it as a gift. We LOVE that stroller. We can fit it in our trunk and still have room for other things, which was important to us because we only have small cars. We read reviews and got expensive stuff like that off Ebay. I don't think I'd ever want a used carseat--whether it's been in a crash or not. Kids poop through their clothes in there and spill stuff in their carseats all the time. So if you get a used stroller, I'd say go for the new carseat!

Leo said...

Ok I'm not a mom, but I do have 4 chicos and, somehow, more than 4 car seats.

So far the only difference I've seen in the more expensive ones is the amount of padding and maybe some hanging toys or something. I say go middle of the road where price and quality meet.

And I would avoid buying a used one. Believe it or not car seats "expire" (much to my chagrin) and should have an expiration date printed on them. If you buy a used one it may be closer to that date than you'd like. Not to mention the whole was-it-in-a-crash/poop/throw-up/etc thing. Can I get an amen? Amen.

Leah said...
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Leah said...

Ok I am so with it is ridiculously easy to fall into the horrible mother price trap. I find that the middle of the road is the best way to go. I would recommend, and regret not getting Lucy, the Graco Nautilus 3-in-1 Car Seat. It is the only one he'll need from about 12lbs on! Another bonus is you can find it anywhere: Target, Babies R Us, Wal-mart.Plus I adore Graco. They seem to be the best buy for the money, and have the highest safety rating along with customer satisfaction. Lucy had a Graco stroller car seat combo when she first came home ($130) and now she's in another Graco car seat ($80.) Anyway, hang in there, and wait for your shower to buy things, but do get that wish list a going. You are a fabulous mom in the making!

Marce said...

come over and we can chat about this. M & I did TONS and TONS of research on this topic. we'd love to share :)