So I usually dread winter. Every year I whine and complain as it gets cold outside because I guess I have always just LOVED the summer. Swimming, getting tan, dressing up on summer nights, movies, drive-ins, snowcones, vacations, etc. However, I read my sister Nat's blog today and realized I need to be thankful and excited for winter. Winter can be happy! It can! It can signify sledding, skiing, christmas lights, hot chocolate, cuddling with the hot hubby, homemade soups, and HOLIDAYS. As I was recalling the past joys of winter today I actually got REALLY excited about the holidays. I love spending time with my family and friends. The older I get the more I realize that time spent with my family is a constant source of happiness in my life. What a blessing it is to have family close right now. I have decided to post some pics of some AWESOME things that I have done during the winter to get me even more PSYCHED for the coming months.

My first Christmas "time" with Travis. It was awesome even if he was
monolicious. :)

This picture reminds me of some good make-out sessions in the winter. ha.
Winter brought the best surprise of all-time. A diamond ring. boo-ya :)
My first Christmas with Travis. He gave me a rad sleeping bag. love it. We opened our presents to each other a few days before Christmas. We couldn't wait!
Another Christmas pic. Presents are always a good thing.

Our first pathetic christmas tree. Good Memories.

Ode to the sunglasses. They were lost this summer on a rafting trip :(

Sexy Biotch

Valentines Day!! Who wouldn't love waking up to this? It rocks to be married on valentines day. Everyone should do it.

And of course....SKIING with Travis. He is way better than me, but it is oh so attractive to watch him.
Yeah Travis just came home and surprised me with flowers and my favorite DOUGHNUT HOLES!!! I love that kid. He pretty much rocks my world.
you got flowers? sweet! i don't get anything. not for Valentines day...not for mothers day...yea, you're right...being married rocks. don't mind me i'm just a crazy pregnant lady who can't fix her stupid blog.
Travis is such a sexy biotch.
What fun pictures! I love the wintertime and we have the same sleeping bag, how funny :)
you're going to make people hate their lives. stop it. stupid travis and his stupid flowers. ha. winter time is here...happiness and for all...that children call....their favorite time of yah.
so fun to see you guys for a while today- thanks for sharing your donuts and movies :) we seriously love you guys.
I hear you about the winter. I am a warmth and sunshine girl! You are inspiring me to rethink my anxiety about the upcoming winter :)
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